February 23, 2011

When the baby gets sick

my sick baby
Your baby's first illness is one that will get your worry juices flowing in overdrive. Vivian experienced her first illness, at 2 months, after a trip to see her baby cousins out of state. Maybe she caught it from a cousin, maybe it was from someone on the plane; who knows. What I do know is that we experienced a few sleepless and worry filled nights. Vivian's first cold included running nose, cough, watery eyes, and a lot of crying.

When faced with a new parenting experience I did like a lot of new mothers do and grabbed all the baby books I bought when I was pregnant. I also dedicated my Facebook status to asking my experienced mother friends for advice. I received the following basic tidbits. use a humidifier, prop her up at an angle when she is sleeping, put baby Vick's on the soles of her feet (since she was too young for Vick's at the time) then put socks on her, keep nursing, take her to the doctor if she develops a fever over X degrees, and wait it out.

Although I was stressed at having to see my baby girl suffer and be miserable, I also felt confident that I was doing all the right things. Then at night she would wake up crying with her nose all stuffy and my husband would insist that we should take her to the hospital. I assured him that we were doing everything she needed and since she had no fever we just had to wait it out. Of course, everything I had to say, was not heard until his mother told him the exact same thing. I really love how what I said was not right until his mother confirmed it, but that is off the topic.

Since this first cold we have started daycare and have experienced more colds and fevers. Every time she gets sick I consult my Facebook mothers, family, friends and books. Every time I get the usual advice and we try our best to be patient. My biggest frustrations with illness is my inability to make it all go away and how the doctor responds to my questions. We are fortunate enough to have our insurance through an agency that allows us to email our doctors; which has kept us from running to the hospital every time our baby sneezes.   

We have a nice doctor and our baby likes him, but he often provides me with canned responses. These responses always start with "this is something that is going around." He then tells us to do all the things that I have already been doing. Then he ends with you just need to wait these things out, call me if x, y or z develops. I am sure that pediatricians have their fair share of experience dealing with first time mothers and their worries and I understand that they are busy, but I really wish that he would make me feel a little special. I am not sure what our doctor could say that would make this worried mother feel better, but I do know that what I have been getting is not very comforting.

As I end this entry, I realize that I have not shared much knowledge and have more or less just vented about how a mother worries when her baby gets sick. All these worries are fresh at the moment as our whole household is currently suffering from a bug that is "going around right now." Maybe one day we will get through an illness without so much worry, but until then I invite all the mothers and fathers that read this to share with me what you do to help yourselves and your sick babies get through a cold or a fever.


February 20, 2011

Sibling Rivalry

My precious Vivian Pearl is my first born, but she is not my first child. The title of oldest child in our household belongs to a precious domestic tortoiseshell cat named Clementine. Clementine has been a part of my family since college and was the best couch companion during my pregnancy. She is the most loving cat and believes that people need snuggles more than they need air.

As we prepared for the baby Clementine was very curious about all the changes that were going on in her apartment, but was excited to see a bunch of new boxes show up for her to play in. I often wondered how Clementine would react to having a little brother or sister (we waited to find out the sex of our baby) around. I debated on whether she would try to snuggle up to the baby all the time or if she would avoid the crying, pooping baby.

enjoying time on the couch
The day we brought our daughter Vivian home, Clementine did not even notice the car seat or the baby. Instead she ran to me and gave me a stern lecture about how upset she was that we had left her alone for two days. Then Vivian woke up and made a quiet whimper. Clementine suddenly forgot about everything else and was determined to sniff every inch of the new baby. Clementine heard the word 'no' more in the first 10 minutes of the baby being home than she had her entire life. Despite having limits instilled on her that had never been there before, Clementine has shown nothing but love to her little sister and is always trying snuggle right up to her sister. This went on for about 6 months and then I started noticing subtle changes.

Clementine still continues to make sure she is laying next to her sister, but now she also makes sure to squeeze in between her sister and her mother. The second I sit Vivian down, Clementine is jumping on my lap. At night, Clementine settles on my neck snuggling and kissing me. Our little Vivian is now at the age where she is very aware of her kitty sister Clementine, which has lead to hair and tail pulling. Vivian has also started using Clementine to hoist herself up to her knees. Clementine ofter voices is dissatisfaction at being tugged on by her sister, but still refuses to budge from her position next to her sister. Vivian has also taken quite an interest in Clementine's toys, which has resulted in Clementine pushing them together into a pile and laying on them.

Vivian tugging on Clementine
I have now started to suspect that Clementine insists on being next to her sister because that is where the focus of our attention has been since we brought our little princess home. I am afraid that my Clementine is hungry for some special attention from her parents and is trying to let us know this in her own quiet way. So like a new mom I hit the books and the internet to see what I can do to help alleviate this minor case of sibling rivalry.

Trusty Dr. Spock had many great insights and helpful solutions to my situation.
1. "Everybody in the family gets what they need - and sometimes we all need different things."
2. Avoid comparisons and typecasting
3. Do not be quick to take sides, deciding who is wrong or who is right it encourages the children to fight again soon.
4. If one child acts out and attacks the other, do not react with shock or shame - this will make the jealous child more jealous and afraid that you don't love them anymore.
5. If you force your child to share her toys, chances are her resentment will grow.

While Dr. Spock has many more helpful things to say these 5 tips have helped me identify errors I have been making. When Vivian is tugging and pulling on Clementine, it is Clementine that I yell at to move out of the way. When Clementine is upset that Vivian is playing with her toys, I tell Clementine that she needs to share. The one time that Clementine did act out and swat at her sister, it was Clementine that was scolded. I have even found myself telling Clementine that she needed to be nice like her sister. Lastly, I need to make sure that Clementine is getting what she needs. Sadly, there have been crazy mornings when I have forgotten to feed Clementine or have delayed giving her fresh water because I was busy with the baby.

I hope that I can take Dr. Spock's advise and turn it into helpful tools for developing a positive relationship between my two babies and to prepare for the day with we bring a third baby into the mix.

February 13, 2011


My daughter is now 7 months old! We have experienced many milestones and I know there are many more to come. I remember her first sneeze, her first smile, the first time she laughed, and the first time she sat up by herself. Today we experienced a new milestone - she stood up! We had just finished dinner when she reached up, grabbed the arm of the couch and pulled herself up.

As a new mother I often find myself visiting the internet to make sure my daughter is developing on schedule and at times I am convinced my baby is a genius and learns everything faster than any other baby out there. There is a lot of information on the internet and sometimes it can make my head spin. This is why I decided to trust a few sources for all my baby development information.

My Iphone is helpful to this mommy in a million different ways. Today I am going to to focus on the one app that I have decided to rely on for all my baby development news, Pregnancy and Development. I first downloaded this app because it was free and have found it helpful ever since. It offers weekly development posts related to pregnancy and then when your baby is born you simply enter his/her birthday and the app tells you what kind of development to expect and when. There is also an journal option, that allows you to add comments, pictures and videos of your child. It is a great place to help record all your child's milestones. This is a great option for mothers like me that have never scrapbooked, take most pictures and videos with their phone, and get behind on the that baby book that you had such high hopes of completing when you were pregnant.

The second item I use is a text message service that I subscribed to when I was pregnant. It is called text4baby. Text4baby is a free service that sends weekly text messages about your pregnancy and your baby's first year of development. This is a program that was designed to promote maternal and child health and who doesn't want that.

In short, my baby is a genius because she is standing!

Until next time.

Welcome to "Hello Motherhood"

It is 1:00 am in the morning and I have finally decided to commit to writing my first blog ever. As a new mother one can sometimes find themselves desperately seeking advice from experienced mothers and also sometimes craving adult conversation. After using my Facebook page to bother my fellow mothers for advice, I have now decided to put what I have learned into this blog - and as another venue to ask more questions.

Now a little about myself...

Vivian Pearl, 3 weeks
My world was changed on June 24, 2010 at 2:31am, when my fiance and I welcomed our daughter into the world - Vivian Pearl. I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but the thought of being completely responsible for a human life is still very nerve racking and I find myself worrying about many many things. My daughter is now 7 months old and I still have nightmares about dropping her on her heard or leaving her in the car (thank you Parenthood Magazine for sharing real stories of these things happening and thus scaring me to tears).

Along with tackling the trials of motherhood I make the long commute (1.5 hours each way) to work a full time job five days a week. This means that everyday I go to work I have to say good bye to my sweet baby and it does not get any easier the more I do it. This is tough and I secretly wish (well not that secret anymore) that someday I can make a comfortable living staying home with my baby and her future siblings.

Thank you for reading and please stay tuned...